Xtreme poker face sunshine celebration

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BOS. Exc.1 CAC Right Now Sunshine Celebration *08.04.2017. Sire: White Villan King Of Hearts. Dam: Mystic Poker Face Sunshine Celebration. Exc.2 RCAC Caithness Phineas Phinn *09.10.2017

1 Место — Вест-хайленд-уайт-терьер XTREME POKER FACE SUNSHINE CELEBRATION, владелец - KANÁSOVÁ MARTINA. 2 Место — Американский стаффордширский терьер KARBALLIDO STAFFS SHEER KHAN, владелец - TIBAY NORBERT. Cool.DJ – The Sunshine Superstars - Poker Face №368895 Исполнитель: The Sunshine Superstars, Песня: Poker Face, Длина: 03:59, Формат: mp3. №368895.The Sunshine Superstars – Blue (Da Ba Dee). Poker Face Xtreme - Home | Facebook Poker Face Xtreme. 15 likes · 3 talking about this. Sports Team.See more of Poker Face Xtreme on Facebook.

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Aust. Ch. Rebel Heart Sunshine Celebration (Imp SVK ... Aust. Ch. Rebel Heart Sunshine Celebration (Imp SVK) - West Highland White Terrier